Brian Leonard

Brian Leonard is a Canadian artist, who has garnered
international media attention and hundreds of millions of views for his "Barista Brian" Latte Art creations.
He grew up in New Brunswick Canada, the middle of five children in a musical family. Brian studied Opera Performance and Health Science in University, before completing a year in the Audio Engineering Program at The Banff Centre.

Moving to Toronto, he found himself in front of an espresso machine and
began creating latte art. It was not long before his latte art started benig noticed by local media, who named him Toronto's Best Latte Artist in

Following a series of television and media appearances, Brian's
opportunities continued to grow. Collaborating with international brands,
clothing companies, and many major media outlets, he continued to push boundaries as a barista and artist in his newfound medium. He began working in celebrity events in 2016, and has continued to appear at high profile events across North America and beyond. His latte art has been featured at music festivals, international film festivals,
celebrity galas, major awards shows, corporate meetings, brand activations and conferences. He continues to pursue opportunities as an artist and enjoys traveling.